
Applies To:

GroupID 10

Business Scenario:

Due to space constraints, we want to relocate all the log files to one location.

Here is a list of the GroupID log files: 

Click a log file to view its default location and the path to its configuration file.

Change the Log File Location:

  1. Close GroupID Management Console.
  2. Open the configuration file, Imanami.GroupID.Snapin.dll.config in a text editor.
  3. Look for <file value="${TMP}\~GroupID8.Log" />.
  4. Modify ${TMP} to provide the new location, something like <file value="F:\GroupID Logs\~GroupID8.Log" />.

  5. Save the file and launch GroupID Management Console to make the new changes work.
    Note: To change the location of any of the log files discussed in this article, you have to update the relevant tag in the respective configuration file. The tag and its update process are the same as discussed above.
 GroupID Management Console Logs:

Default Location: C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\1
Configuration File: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\Imanami.GroupID.Snapin.dll.config
(X is the GroupID installation drive)

Email Service Logs:

Default Location: C:\Windows\Temp\~GroupID10-EmailService
Configuration File: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\ Imanami.EmailService.exe.config

GroupID Management Shell Logs:

Default Location: C:\Windows\Temp\~GroupID10-Management.Log
Configuration File: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\Imanami.GroupID.Management.dll.config

Upgrade Summary Logs:

Default Location: C:\Windows\Temp\~GroupID10_Upgrade.Log
Configuration File: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\GroupIDUpgradeTool\GroupIDUpgradeTool.exe.config

Data Service Logs:

Default Location: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\GroupIDDataService\Log
Configuration File: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\GroupIDDataService\Web.config

Security Service Logs:

Default Location: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\GroupIDSecurityService\Log
Configuration File: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\GroupIDSecurityService\Web.config

Self-Service Portal Logs:

Default Location: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\SelfService\Inetpub\<portal name>\log
Configuration File: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\SelfService\Inetpub\<portal name>\Web\web.config

Password Center User Portal Logs:

Default Location: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\PasswordCenter\Inetpub\<portal name>\log
Configuration File: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\PasswordCenter\Inetpub\<portal name>\Web\web.config

Password Center Helpdesk Portal Logs:

Default Location: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\PasswordCenter\Helpdesk\Inetpub\<portal name>\log
Configuration File: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\PasswordCenter\Helpdesk\Inetpub\<portal name>\Web\web.config

Task Scheduler Logs:

Default Location: C:\Users\GroupIDSSUser\AppData\Local\Temp
Configuration File: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\imanami.groupid.taskScheduler.exe.config

Reporting Logs:

Default Location: C:\Windows\Temp\~GroupID10-Reporting.Log
Configuration File: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\Imanami.GroupID.Reporting.exe.config

Synchronize Logs:

Default Location: C:\Windows\Temp\~GroupID10-Synchronize.Log
Configuration File: X:\Program Files\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\Imanami.GroupID.Synchronize.exe.config

Note: Synchronize job file logs are located under:
C:\ProgramData\Imanami\GroupID 10.0\Synchronize\Jobs\<job name>\JobRun_20171031_135244_00.dtmlog


  • GroupID Online Help topic: Configuring event logging
  • GroupID Online Help topic: Dump log files