
Applies To:

GroupID 9 and 10 - Authenticate

Problem Statement:

We have installed GroupID 9 and on launching GroupID Management Console, it does not connect to the identity store. When we right-click the GroupID node and select Connect to Identity Store, it does not properly load the Authenticate window.


Further, when we try to launch a GroupID Self-Service portal, we face the same problem. Is there a possible workaround to the above problem statement? 


Follow these steps to resolve the above problem statement.

We need to assign full control rights to IUSR on the GroupID 9 installation directory.

  1. Go to the GroupID 9 installation directory.
  2. Open the properties of the GroupID 9.0 folder. On the Security tab, add IUSR and assign full control.
  3. Reset IIS by typing IISRESET in the Run dialog box.
  4. Launch GroupID Management Console, right-click the GroupID node and select Connect to Identity Store.

These steps should resolve the issue and the Authenticate window should load properly.



GroupID Online Help topic: Connecting GroupID to an Identity Store

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