
Applies To:

GroupID 9 and above – Identity Store

Business Scenario:

In GroupID, we can assign security roles to users in an identity store. Security roles enable us to grant varying degrees of access and permissions in the identity store to users in the organization.

Users and their security roles are key components of security. So how does GroupID facilitate us to quickly ascertain the security role of a user?


You can check what security role(s) are assigned to a user in an identity store with respect to a GroupID client. GroupID clients are:

  • Automate
  • Management Shell
  • GroupID Mobile app
  • All Self-Service and Password Center portals created using GroupID

Steps to View a User’s Security Role:

  1. In GroupID Management Console, click the Identity Stores node.

  2. On the Identity Stores tab, double-click an identity store to open its properties.

  3. Click the Security Roles tab, click the Get Security Roles link to check the role(s) assigned to a user in a GroupID client.


  4. Click the Find User button to specify the user you want to check the role for.
    The Find dialog box is displayed, where you can search and select the required user.
    You can use the Delete icon () to remove the selected user and specify another one.
  5. In the Client Name list, select a GroupID client to view the user’s role within it.
    For example, select a Self-Service portal to view the role(s) that the user has in the portal.
    To view the highest privileged role that the user has in GroupID, select None in the Client Name list.

  6. Click the Get Role button; the Applied Role area shows the user role for the selected client along with role priority. For None, the highest privileged role of the user is displayed, irrespective of any client. 


GroupID Online Help topic: View the roles assigned to a user

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