
Applies To: 

GroupID 9 and 10

Business Scenario: 

We have defined a custom attribute in Active Directory (AD), and we want to include that attribute for replication to the Elasticsearch repository.


  1. Firstly, you must create the custom attribute in the Active Directory schema. Multiple guides are available online to help you accomplish this. Let’s say you want to create a new custom attribute, campusName in AD for users. You must define this attribute in the Active Directory schema and assign it to users.
    Once it is accomplished, the attribute appears in the attribute list of users in AD.
  2. On the GroupID machine, open the task scheduler and run the task named Schema Replication.

  3. Once this task is completed, do the following:
    • In GroupID Management Console, click the Identity Stores node.
    • On the Identity Stores tab, double-click the required identity store to open its properties.
    • On the Replication tab, add the custom attribute that we have just created. 

  4. Go to services and restart Elasticsearch service and Imanami Replication service.
  5. Open regedit.msc and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Imanami\GroupID\Version 10.0\Replication.
  6. On expanding the Replication registry, you will see your identity stores there. Go to your domain’s identity store and remove value data from users (since we have added a custom attribute for the User class) and hit OK. We have to replicate the users from scratch here since we added a new attribute that needs to be loaded to Elasticsearch.

  7. In GroupID Management Console, go to the Replication tab for the identity store and click Replicate Now in the Replication Service area. It starts users-only replication for your domain. Once done, your custom attribute will be added.


GroupID Online Help topic: Elasticsearch - Overview

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