
Applies To:

GroupID 8 and above - Automate

Business Scenario:

  1. We want to send notifications to group owners when a group is updated by a scheduled job.
  2. We want to notify a specific group/distribution list when group membership is updated by a scheduled job.

More Information:

You can schedule auto-updates for Smart Groups and Dynasties using a Smart Group Update job.

Create a Smart Group Update job in GroupID Management Console and enable email notifications to be sent to specific users or group owners every time this job runs.


To send notifications to group owners, the first step is to configure notifications for the identity store in GroupID Management Console. See Notification Configuration.

Next, create a scheduled Smart Group Update job and configure notifications for it by following the steps below:

  1. Create a scheduled job in any of the following ways:

    The Edit Job or Create Job dialog box opens.

    • From Group: Double-click a Smart Group to open its properties and on the GroupID tab, click the Schedule button.

    • From Scheduling node: In GroupID Management Console, click the Scheduling node. Then expand Smart Group Update. Double-click an existing job or right-click and select New Smart Group Update Job.

  2. On the General tab, provide a suitable name for the Smart Group Update job and click the Add Container or Add Group button to select the target groups/containers that will be updated by the job. Select a triggering time for the job by clicking the Schedule button.

  3. On the Authentication tab, click the Provide Credentials button to provide the credentials of a service account to connect to the identity store.
  4. On the Notification tab,  provide the email addresses of users and groups you intend to notify every time this job runs. Use a semicolon to separate multiple email addresses (no space after semicolon).

    In order to notify the primary owner, additional owners and Exchange additional owners of the groups processed by the job, select the Send Report to Group Owner(s) check box.

    Under Send Report When, select the condition when the specified recipients will be notified. Options are:
    • Always send report
      Always send the notification, whether the job succeeds or fails to update the group(s).
    • Only when job succeeds
      Send notifications when all groups added to the job are successfully updated. Even if one group fails to be updated, notifications will not be sent.
    • Only when the job fails
      Send notifications only when the job fails to update the group(s). Notifications will be sent even when all except one group fails to be updated when the job runs.
    • Only when membership is changed
      Send notifications only when changes are made to group membership as a result of the job run.

  5. Apply the settings and click OK.
  6. For testing, click the Scheduling node and expand Smart Group Update. Right-click the job and click Run to execute the job.   


GroupID Online Help topic: Notifications - Overview