
Applies To:

GroupID 9 & 10 - Self-Service

Business Scenario:

Using the GroupID Self-Service portal, I would like my users to get all Smart Groups listed on one page. How can I search or list all the Smart Groups in the portal?

More Information:

A Smart Group is one that dynamically maintains its membership based on the rules applied by a user-defined query, such as an LDAP query. Rather than adding and removing members manually, you can use a query (for example, "All full-time employees in my company") to dynamically build membership in a Smart Group. Managing memberships with queries significantly reduces administrative costs.

IMSGManagedGroupType is a GroupID pseudo attribute.

  • To get all the static groups in the identity store, the value of IMSGManagedGroupType=1
  • To get all the Smart Groups, the value of IMSGManagedGroupType=2
  • To get all the Parent Dynasties, the value of IMSGManagedGroupType=3
  • To get all the Middle Dynasties, the value of IMSGManagedGroupType=4
  • To get all the Leaf Dynasties, the value of IMSGManagedGroupType=5

In this article, first we will discuss how to create a search in the Self-Service portal based on group type, and then add the Smart Groups link to the navigation bar.

Add the Object Type field to the Group Search page:

By adding the Object Type field to the Group Search page in the portal, you would facilitate portal users to search for different types of groups that GroupID supports.

  1. In GroupID Management Console, click Self-Service > Portals > [required portal] > Designs.

  2. Select an identity store. This will take you to the design settings that can be implemented in the Self-Service portal for the identity store.

  3. On the Search Forms tab, select Groups and click Edit.

  4. A dialog box is displayed with a list of fields on the group search form and search results page. In the Search Form section, click Add.

  5. In the Field list, select IMSGManagedGroupType and specify a display name for the field (for example, Object Type).

  6. In the Display Type list, select Text and click OK.

  7. Save the changes.
    This will add the Object Type field on the Group Search page in the portal.

  8. For Object Type, enter the value 2 and click Search.

  9. The search results will list down all the Smart Groups in the identity store.

Add the Smart Group Link to the Navigation Bar:

  1. Using the steps given above, add the Object Type field to the Group Search page in the Self-Service portal and search all the Smart Groups.

  2. Copy the URL of the results page.

  3. Back in GroupID Management Console, click Self-Service > Portals > [required portal] > Designs > [required identity store].

  4. On the Navigation Bar tab, select Create and click Edit.

  5. On the Add Tab dialog box, provide the following details:

    • Tab Name: Type a name for the new tab or select a pre-defined one from the list. Selecting a tab from the list populates its default configurations, which you can modify.

    • Display Text: The text to display as the tab title on the navigation bar.

    • Icon Class: Use the Select Icon button to browse and select the image to be displayed with the tab name on the navigation bar.

    • Active Icon Class: Use the Select Icon button to browse and select the image to be displayed when a user hovers the mouse over the tab name on the navigation bar.

      Image dimensions: 30 x 30 pixels
      Supported formats: .png, .jpg, .jpe, .jpeg

    • URL: Enter the address of the page to display when a user clicks the tab. Provide the URL of the Smart Group search results page here.

  6. Save the changes and refresh the portal.

  7. You will find the Smart Groups link on the portal's navigation bar. On clicking it, the page displays all the Smart Groups in the identity store.

Related Article:

How To: Hide a link on the navigation bar


GroupID Online help: Customizing the Navigation bar

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