
Applies To:

GroupID 9 and above

Business Case:

A GroupID Self-Service portal is hosted as a web application on the local IIS server.

By default, an Imanami-own self-signed certificate is assigned to the GroupID site. But a need may arise where you may want to assign your own certificate, so that portal users don’t encounter the certificate error while browsing a Self-Service portal through the HTTPS site.


You can easily assign your own certificate to the GroupID site. On doing so, all the web applications under the GroupID site operate with the new certificate.

As a prerequisite, your own certificate should already be present in the server certificates in IIS.


  1. Launch IIS (in the Windows Run dialog box, type inetmgr and press Enter).

  2. In IIS, navigate to the GroupID site and click Bindings under Edit Site in the Actions pane.

  3. On the Edit Bindings dialog box, select a port binding to change it. Then click Edit.

  4. In the SSL certificate drop-down list, select your desired certificate and click OK.

  5. Restart IIS either from the command prompt (type iisreset in CMD) or from the console. Your selected certificate should be assigned to the GroupID site.


GroupID Installation & Configuration Guide

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