
Applies To:

GroupID 9 and above - Automate

Business Case:

You have a complex criterion defined for a Smart Group and you want to apply this criterion as it is to another Smart Group.


You can simply use the import/export feature of the Query Designer in Automate to export the query of a Smart Group to an XML file, and then import that file for another group. In this way, you can apply the same query to multiple groups.


  1. In GroupID Management Console, click Automate > All Groups > Smart Groups.

  2. To go to group properties, double-click the group whose criterion you want to copy.

  3. Navigate to the GroupID tab in group properties and click the Modify button. The Query Designer window opens:

  4. In the Query Designer window, click File and select Export LDAP Query. The query currently defined in the Query Designer is exported to an XML file, that you can save at a convenient location.

  5. Now while creating your new Smart Group, launch the Query Designer window and click File > Import LDAP Query. Provide the XML file that you exported earlier.

  6. When you import the XML file, the criterion of the group you wanted to copy should appear here as it is. Click Preview to view the group membership. If the results are correct, complete the remaining steps to create the new group.


GroupID Online Help - Query Designer dialog box