
Applies To:

GroupID 10 - Automate and Self-Service

Business Case:

From GroupID’s perspective, a group can have multiple owners; one primary owner (as Active Directory doesn’t allow more than one primary owner) while the rest of them as additional owners. At times, the primary owner of a group leaves the company and his/her AD account is disabled. As a result, the group is left orphan without any primary owner. This article explains how you can promote an additional owner of a group as its primary owner automatically.


GroupID features an Orphan Group Update job that checks for orphan groups in the directory and assigns them a primary owner.

For this method to work, the group must have at least one additional owner. The job promotes the first additional owner in alphabetical order (be it a user, contact, or security group) as the respective group’s primary owner and a notification is sent to the promoted owner.


In GroupID Management Console, navigate to the Scheduling node and create an Orphan Group Update job.

Configure the job as per your requirement and save it.

Now when this schedule runs, it picks up all the orphan groups in the identity store and promotes an additional owner of the each group as its primary owner. The first additional owner in alphabetical order is promoted as the primary owner.