
Applies To:

GroupID 9, 10 – Self-Service, Automate, GroupID Management Shell

Business Scenario:

Using GroupID, we have set multiple additional owners for different groups. Currently, all the additional owners receive email notifications of changes being made to the group. However, some of these additional owners do not wish to receive these notifications. Is there a way to prevent some additional owners from receiving them?


Restricting an additional owner from receiving email notifications is possible in GroupID. We can use the Do Not Notify feature to achieve this. This feature also controls the email notifications that an additional owner receives against workflow-triggered actions. For example, if you have implemented a workflow that users who join a group must be approved by an owner, additional owners will receive the approval notification except those that have the Do Not Notify option selected.

In GroupID, we can set the Do Not Notify setting in three different ways:

  1. Through the Self-Service portal
  2. Through Automate (GroupID Management Console)
  3. Through GroupID Management Shell
Using the Self-Service Portal:
  1. Launch the GroupID Self-Service portal.

  2. Open the properties of a group and go to the Owners tab.

  3. Notice that the Do not notify check box is available for each additional owner in the grid. Select it for an additional owner to ensure that group-related notifications are not sent to it.

  4. Click Save..

Using Automate (GroupID Management Console):
  1. In GroupID Management Console, navigate to Automate and then go to All Groups.

  2. Open the properties of a group and go to the Managed By tab.

  3. Notice that the Do not notify check box is available for each additional owner in the grid. Select it for an additional owner to ensure that group-related notifications are not sent to it.

  4. Click OK.

Using GroupID Management Shell:

The Do Not Notify feature can also be set through GroupID Management Shell using the NotifyOptOutAdditionalOwners parameter. But since this feature is a part of the additional owner attribute, the NotifyOptOutAdditionalOwners parameter cannot be set independently. Rather, it can only be set while modifying the additional owner attribute. This means that we can either set Do Not Notify while adding new additional owners or by modifying the values for existing additional owners.

Note: Before running these cmdlets in your production environment, it is recommended to first run them on some test groups and verify that the results are correct.


  1. Launch GroupID Management Shell.

  2. To set Do Not Notify for new additional owners that are being added to a group, use the following cmdlet:

    Set-Group -Identity "Group Name" -Add @{"AdditionalOwners" = "Name of the Additional Owner"} -NotifyOptOutAdditionalOwners "Name of the Additional Owner"

    Now this additional owner will not receive group-related notifications.
  3. To set Do Not Notify for existing additional owners, use the following cmdlet:

    Set-Group -Identity "Group Name" -Replace @{"AdditionalOwners" = "Name of the Additional Owner","Name of the Additional Owner"} -NotifyOptOutAdditionalOwners "Name of the Additional Owner"
  4. To bulk set Do Not Notify for all the existing additional owners of a group, use the following cmdlet:

    $i=Get-Group -Identity "Group Name"| Select -ExpandProperty AdditionalOwner; foreach($j in $i.split(",")){Set-Group -Identity "Group Name" -Replace @{"AdditionalOwners" = $j,$j} -NotifyOptOutAdditionalOwners $j}
Note: In case you run into problems, contact