
Applies To:

GroupID 10 - GroupID Management Shell

Business Requirement:

We are using GroupID to manage a large number of Smart Groups in the directory. The query for each group is designed to fetch different object types from the directory, such as users with mailboxes, users with external e-mail addresses, contacts, etc. We want to get a report on all the Smart Groups with the object types fetched by each group's query.


We can use GroupID Management Shell to get a report on all the Smart Groups with the object types selected in their queries. Results can be saved to a text file.


  1. Launch GroupID Management Shell.

  2. Type the following cmdlet to get a list of all the Smart Groups with the object types selected in their respective queries in the Query Designer:

    $a=Get-SmartGroup -SmartGroupType "SmartGroup" |Select DistinguishedName;foreach($i in $a){Get-Object -Identity $i.DistinguishedName -AttributesToLoad "imsgobjecttypes"|Select DistinguishedName, Imsgobjecttypes | Out-file "C:\ObjectType.txt" -append}

  3. This cmdlet saves your text file to the C:\ directory with the name, ObjectType.txt. To change the directory, replace the C in C:\ObjectType.txt with your desired drive.

  4. The result for the object types in the text file are shown in the form of numbers. IMSGObjectTypes represents the following:

    None = 0
    ExchangeUsers = 1
    ExternalUsers = 2
    ExternalContacts = 3
    EmailGroups = 4
    EmailPublicFolders = 5
    Users = 6
    Contacts = 7
    Groups = 8
    Workstations = 9
    Servers = 10
    DomainControllers = 11



GroupID Management Shell User Guide