
Applies To:

GroupID 9 and above – Self-Service

Business Scenario:

The GroupID Self-Service portal enables us to export the membership of a group to an external file. Supported file formats include MS Excel, CSV, XML, and text. By default, it esports four attributes for members: display name, first name, last name, and email. We would like to add more attributes to this list for export.


In GroupID, the administrator can publish the attributes that are available to users in the Self-Service portal for exporting group members. To add another attribute, such as the Common Name (CN) attribute to the list of default attributes for export, the administrator has to use the design settings for a portal in GroupID Management Console.

Note: Before making any changes to the current environment, always create a backup/snapshot/checkpoint of the GroupID server.


Follow these steps to publish more attributes for export.

  1. Launch GroupID Management Console.

  2. Navigate to Self-Service > Portals > [Portal_Name] > Designs > [Identity_Store_Name]. Then click the Import/Export tab.

  3. Click Add.

  4. On the Import/Export Attribute dialog box, select the attribute that you want to add to the Export list and provide a user-friendly name for it.

  5. Click OK and then click Save at the top of the page.

  6. Launch the Self-Service portal and go to the properties of a group.

  7. Navigate to the Members tab and click Export.
    The newly added attribute is added to the list.